Imam Ali i božanska filozofija

Preuzmi članak

Poslanica pred nama, koju je obnovitelj teofozije u prethodnom stoljeću, veliki mislilac i arif, Allame Tabatabaji naslovio kao “Imam Ali i božanska filozofija”, odgovor je na postavljeno mu pitanje o položaju filozofi je u islamu. U prvom dijelu ove poslanice Allame Tabatabaji razmatra osnovno pitanje odnosa filozofi je i vjere te nudi odgovor na pitanje šta je fi lozofi ja i šta bi to bila božanska fi lozofi ja?

U nastavku, koji predstavlja većinu i srž poslanice, Allame se bavi nadvremenskom ličnošću Imama Alija i dokazuje da je upravo on zasijao prve zasade filozofske odnosno teozofske misli i da je on bio prva osoba koja je riječima dala transcendentna značenja i time bio pionir u kovanju stručnih termina.


This treatise, which the reformer of theosophy in the last century, the great intellectual and Gnostic Allameh Tabataba’i entitled Imam Ali and Divine Philosophy is an answer to a question posed to him about the position of philosophy in Islam. In the fi rst part of the treatise Allameh Tabataba’i analyses the basic problem of relation between philosophy and religion providing an answer to the question: What is philosophy and what is Divine philosophy? In the following part, which represents the main body and the core of the treatise, Allameh Tabataba’i deals with the timeless personality of Imam Ali proving that it was him who first sowed the seeds of philosophical, i.e. theosophical thought and that he was the fi rst person to give transcendental meanings to words and was thus a pioneer in forging professional terms.

Keywords: philosophy, Islam, divine philosophy, Allameh Tabataba’i