Refleksija Attarovih priča u djelima bošnjačkih autora na orijentalnim jezicima

Preuzmi članak

UDK 821.163.4(497.6).09 Zijaija H.M.

821.163.4(497.6).09 Mostarac F.

Feriduddin Muhammed ‘Attar Nišaburi, čuveni perzijski klasik sufijske orijentacije, bio je veoma poznat na ovdašnjim prostorima, a njegova djela bila su veoma popularna i čitana, te su izvršila veliki utjecaj na književno stvaralaštvo Bošnjaka na orijentalnim jezicima. Fokus ovog rada jeste na refleksiji ‘Attarovih priča u djelima Hasana Zijaija Mostarca i Fevzija Mostarca. Hasan Zijai Mostarac napisao je na osmanskom turskom jeziku poznati sufijski spjev Priča o šejhu Abdurrezzaku pod utjecajem ‘Attarovog Zbora ptica (Manteq al-teyr), odnosno na temelju priče o šejhu iz San’ana sadržane u spomenutom djelu. Fevzi Mostarac u svom Bulbulistanu, koji predstavlja riznicu književne baštine na orijentalnim jezicima, preuzeo je priču o Džunejdu i berberu iz ‘Attarove Spomenice dobrih (Tazkerat al-’ouliyā’). Analizom navedenih priča dolazimo do zaključka da je kod obje ove priče došlo do kvantitativnog uvećavanja pojedinih segmenata teksta, odnosno da je došlo do stilske ekspanzije teksta u odnosu na prototekst.

Ključne riječi: Feriduddin ‘Attar, Hasan Zijai Mostarac, Priča o šejhu Abdurrezzaku, Priča o šejhu iz San’ana, Zbor ptica, Fevzi Mostarac, Bulbulistan, Džunejd i berber, Spomenica dobrih


The Reflection of ‘Attar’s Stories in Works Written by Bosniak Authors in Oriental Languages

Dženita Haverić

Feriddudin Muhammad ‘Attar Nishapuri, the renowned Persian classic of sufi orientation, was very famous in this region and his works were very popular and widely read, whereby they had a great impact on the literary works written by Bosniaks in oriental languages. The paper focuses on reflections of ‘Attar’s stories in the works by Hasan Zijai Mostarac and Fevzija Mostarac. Hasan Zijai Mostarac wrote the well-known poem The Story of Sheikh Abdurrezzak in the Ottoman Turkish language under the influence of ‘Attar’s Speech of Birds (Manteq al-tayr), that is, based on the story of Sheikh from San’an from that book. In his work Bulbulistan, which represents the treasure of literary tradition in oriental languages, Fevzi Mostarac took the story about Juneyid and a Barber from ‘Attar’s Epistle of the Good (Tazkerat al-’ouliyā’). The analysis of these stories has revealed that a quantitative expansion of some parts of the text is present in both stories, that is, there is a stylistic expansion of the text with regard to the prototext.

Keyworkds: Feriddudin ‘Attar, Hasan Zijai Mostarac, The Story of Sheikh Abdurrezzak, the story of Shajh from San’an, Speech of Birds, Fevzi Mostarac, Bulbulistan, Juneyid and a Barber, Epistle of the Good