Apsolutni objekt u arapskom jeziku – al-mafꜥūl al-muṭlaq

Preuzmi članak

Padež akuzativ al-naṣb jedan je od tri padežna stanja imena u arapskom jeziku uz nominativ al-rafꜥ i genitiv al-ǧarr. Imena u akuzativu nose različite sintaksičke funkcije kojima se postiže lepeza različitih značenja. Apsolutni objekt al-mafꜥūl al-mutlaq jedan je od pet tipova glagolskih objekata koji se u gramatikama arapskog jezika može sresti čak ispred direktnog objekta al-mafꜥūl bihi. Razlog prepoznajemo u karakteru veze imena u takvoj funkciji s glagolom, opisane terminom muṭlaq, apsolutni, to jest ime čije značenje proizlazi iz samog glagola.

Osim uvodnih napomena , rad govori o različitim tipovima akuzativa u arapskom jeziku, terminološkom definiranju apsolutnog objekta te klasifikaciji koja nas uvodi u detaljniji prikaz ovog tipa objekta. Rad također donosi i semantičku analizu određenih kur'anskih ajeta zasnovanu na sintaksičkom prepoznavanju ovog objekta te na značenju koje unosi u semantiku rečenice, odnosno ajeta. Analiza s ciljem argumenacije teorijskog dijela ovog rada zasnovana je na poređenju različitih prijevoda Kur'ana na bosanski jezik i prepoznavanju jezičkih modaliteta kojima su se poslužili prevodioci kako bi se približili značenju konkretnih ajeta.

U radu je korištena kako tradicionalna tako i savremena gramatička literatura na arapskom, bosanskom i jezicima okruženja.

Ključne riječi: akuzativ, masdar, apsolutni objekt, ograničeno značenje, neograničeno značenje.

The absolute object in Arabic –  AL-MAFꜥŪL AL-MUṬLAQ

Amira Trnka-Uzunović


The accusative case al-naṣb  is one of the three grammatical cases in Arabic language, in addition to the nominative al-rafꜥ  and the genitive case al-ǧarr. Nouns in the accusative case have different syntactic functions by which a whole range of meanings is achieved. The absolute object al-mafꜥūl al-mutlaq is one of the five types of verb objects which can be found in Arabic grammars even in front of the direct object al-mafꜥūl bihi. The reason for that we find in the character of the relation of the noun in that kind of function with verb, described by the term muṭlaq, the absolute, i.e. the noun whose meaning arises from the verb itself.

In addition to introductory remarks, the paper discuses different types of accusative in Arabic, the terminological defining of the absolute object and the classification which introduces us to a detailed account of this type of object. The paper also brings a semantic analysis of certain Quranic verses based on the syntactic recognition of this object and the meaning that it brings into the semantics of the sentence, i.e. the ayah. The analysis aiming to prove the theoretical part is based on the comparison between the different translation of the Quran into Bosnian and recognizing the linguistic modalities that were used by the cited translators in order to get closer to the meaning of the concrete Quranic ayahs.

In the paper, both the traditional and the modern grammatical literature in Arabic, Bosnian and the languages of the region was used.

Keywords: accusative, masdar, absolute object, limited meaning, unlimited meaning