UDK 821.22-84 : 398.9
Sažetak: Ovim radom želi se predstaviti autentični prijevod Pendname hafiza Mehmed-ef. Mulahalilovića Hulusija, zabilježen u Rokovniku koji se danas čuva u Biblioteci Bošnjačkog instituta u Sarajevu. Rokovnik je pripadao porodici Mulahalilović iz Tuzle, preciznije Mulahalilović Enveru, sinu hafiza Hulusija. Rokovnik datira iz 1981. god. i vodi se kao poklon Alije Širbegovića Bošnjačkom institutu, iz maja 2001. god. Rad će pokazati razlike, na semantičkoj i stilskoj ravni, između Hulusijevog prijevoda Pendname, koji je zabilježen u poetskoj formi, i proznog prijevoda koji je objavio Izdavački centar Islamske zajednice u BiH El-Kalem 1990. god.
Ključne riječi: Ahmed-ef. Mešić, Hafiz Hulusi, Salih Trako, Pendnama, Zijauddin-ef. Huršidić.
Mubina Moker
Reinterpretation of the translation of Pendname by Hafiz Mehmed-ef. Mulahalilović Hulusi
This paper aims to present an authentic translation of Pendname by Hafiz Mehmed-ef. Mulahalilović Hulusi, recorded in Rokovnik, which is kept today in the Library of the Bosniak Institute in Sarajevo. Rokovnik belonged to the Mulahalilović family from Tuzla, more precisely to Enver Mulahalilović, the son of Hafiz Hulusi. Rokovnik dates from 1981 and has been kept as a gift from Alija Širbegović to the Bosniak Institute since May 2001. The paper will show differences, on the semantic and stylistic level, between Hulusi's translation of Pendnama, which was recorded in poetic form, and the prose translation published by the Publishing Center of the Islamic Community in BiH El-Kalem, in 1990.
Keywords: Ahmed-ef. Mešić, Hafiz Hulusi, Salih Trako, Pendnama, Zijauddin-ef. Huršidić.