Molitva srca u isihazmu i sufizmu

Preuzmi članak

UDK 141.336


Ovaj rad je ustvari tekst govora S. H. Nasra kojeg je on izložio marta 1985. godine na simpozijumu pravoslavnih hrišćana i muslimana na pravoslavnom Bogoslovskom fakultetu “Časni krst” u Bostonu i koji je objavljen u Greek Orthodox Theological Review 1986. godine.

S. H. Nasr u ovom radu analizira izuzetne i značajne sličnostima dvaju tradicija – isihastičke i sufijske, u domenu prirode molitve srca, od kojih se svaka nalazi u centru religije na čijem je tlu procvjetala.

Do sada je vrlo malo pisano na ovu temu tako da time ovaj rad kojeg potpisuje autor od posebnog naučnog kredibiliteta zavrjeđuje posebnu pažnju.

S. H. Nasr napisao je tekst u kojem se, pored suštinskog poznavanja sufizma, vidi njegova izuzetna upućenost u pravoslavnu duhovnost i njegovo duboko proučavanje najčuvenije knjige iz te duhovnosti – Filokalije, tojest Dobrotoljubljaili Lepotoljublja, višetomnog zbornika koji obuhvata uvide, iskustvo i rečenice o duhovnom životu i molitvi srca od najznačajnijih pravoslavnih Otaca.

Ključne riječi: sufizam, istihazam, islam, pravoslavlje, duhovnost, molitva srca.

The Prayer of the Heart in Hesychasm and Sufism

Seyyed Hossain Nasr


The paper presents the text of Seyyed Hossain Nasr’s speech delivered in March 1985 at a symposium of Orthodox Christians and Muslims at the Orthodox Theological Faculty “Holly Cross” in Boston, which was published in Greek Orthodox Theological Review in 1986.

In the paper S. H. Nasr analyzes remarkable and significant similarities of the two traditions – Hesychastic and Sufistic in the domain of the nature of the prayer of the heart, each of which is at the center of the religion on the soil of which it flourished.

So far, very little has been written on this topic, thus this paper written by the author who has a renowned scientific credibility deserves special attention.

S. H. Nasr wrote a text which, in addition to his essential knowledge of Sufism, shows his exceptional knowledge of Orthodox spirituality and his profound study of the most famous book from that spirituality – Philocaly, that is the Love of Goodness or the Love of Beauty, a multi-volume collection that includes insights, experience and sentences about the spiritual life and prayer of the heart from the most important Orthodox Fathers.

Keywords: Sufism, Hesychasm, Islam, Orthodoxy, spirituality, the prayer of the heart.