UDK 28-284-13-18
Osnovna ideja islama je vjerovanje u Božiju jednoću. Sva ostala islamska učenja, a to su pitanja svjetonazora, morala i vjerozakona, proizlaze iz ove ideje. Naravno, neka pitanja glede Božije jednoće ili tevhida važnija su od ostalih, a odnose se na poimanje Uzvišenog Boga. Na tragu toga Allame Tabatabai piše nekoliko kratkih ali veoma sadržajnih poslanica o kur’anskim ajetima i predajama. Te poslanice, pisane veoma racionalnim pristupom i sabrane u jednu knjigu su: Poslanica o tevhidu, Poslanica o Božijim imenima, Poslanica o Božijim djelima, Poslanica o posredujućim sredstvima. U ovom radu nudimo prijevod prve poslanice, odnosno Poslanice o tevhidu.
The Epistle on Monotheism / Tawhid
Allame Sayyid Hussein Husaini Tabatabai
The basic idea of Islam is the belief in the oneness of God. All other Islamic teachings, and these are questions of worldview, morality and religion, arise from this idea. Of course, some questions of God's oneness or tawhid are more important than others and they are related to understanding of the Supreme God. Accordingly, Allame Tabatabai wrote several short but very substantial epistles written in a rational approach to Qur'anic verses and traditions. These epistles are collected in one book: the Epistle on Tawhid, the Epistle on the Names of God, the Epistle on the Works of God, the Epistle on Mediation. On this occasion, in this issue of Living Heritage, we offer a translation of the first epistle, i.e., the Epistle on Tawhid.
Keywords: Allame Tabatabai, tawhid, absolute tawhid, numerical tawhid, pure Essence of God