Prilog proučavanju filozofije irfana – Filozofija irfanskog otkrovenja

Preuzmi članak

Filozofija irfana, kao nova znanost, tek u novije vrijeme privlači pažnju mislilaca, a oni koji se njome bave prilaze joj iz različitih aspekata. Jedan dio njih zadržava se samo na razini “osam temeljnih pitanja svake nauke”, druga skupina bavi se njenim ontološkim zbiljama te filozofskim i analitičkim metodama sagledava osnove filozofije irfana, a svoj naučni interes prikazuje kao univerzalan i sveobuhvatan pogled.

Filozofija irfana bavi se temama kakve su suština filozofije irfana, irfan i vjersko iskustvo, zajednička i zasebna pitanja, irfan i nemogućnost njegova pojašnjenja, mogućnost irfanskog iskustva i vjerodostojnost irfanskog otkrovenja i vizije/osvjedočenja (šuhud), krajnji cilj i učinci irfana i slične teme.

Autor smatra da je rasprava u ovoj oblasti potpuno nova i otvorena. Položaj nauke o irfanu u odnosu na druge nauke te nužnost izbjegavanja zamki i ekstremnih krajnosti na ovom području zadatak istraživača ove teme uveliko usložnjava. Ovaj rad predstavlja samo uvod i kratak pregled koji eksperti treba da upotpune.


The philosophy of Irfan, as a new science, has only recently attracted the attention of thinkers and those who are engaged in it approach it from different aspects. Some of them remain at the level of “the eight basic questions of every science”, while others are engaged in its ontological realities and, by using philosophical and analytic methods, examine the foundations of the philosophy of Irfan, displaying their scientific interest as a universal and comprehensive view.

Philosophy of Irfan deals with topics such as the essence of the philosophy of Irfan, Irfan and religious experience, common and special issues, Irfan and the impossibility of its explanation, the possibility of gnostic experience and the authenticity of a gnostic revelation and vision (šuhūd), the ultimate goal and effects of Irfan and similar topics.

The author considers the discussion in this field to be totally new and open. The position of the science of Irfan in relation to other sciences and the necessity of avoiding pitfalls and extremes in this field greatly complicate the task of researchers of this topic. This paper represents only an introduction and a brief overview which experts need to complete.

Keywords: specific philosophy, the philosophy of Irfan, cognition through vision, authenticity/authoritativeness of intuition, revelation in a form, spiritual revelation, known by its essence, known by the accident