Prilog proučavanju susreta pravoslavlja i sufizma

Preuzmi članak

UDK 271.2


Ovaj rad ima za cilj da doprinese razumijevanju veoma slabo istraženog područje uzajamnog uticaja između pravoslavlja i sufizma u islamu. S obzirom na opširnost same teme kao i njene važnosti, s jedne strane, a sukladno ograničenjima jednog naučnog rada za časopis, s druge strane, iako je obimom prekoračio osnovne standarde, autor je ponudio okvir i osnovne smjernice za daljnja istraživanja na ovu temu.

Autor u prvom dijelu nudi presjek razina i historijskih okolnosti na kojima su se odvijali kontakti između pravoslavlja i islama, prije svega na Bliskom Istoku, a uže gledano u Maloj Aziji.

Glavnina rada je posvećena razumijevanje i prikazu susreta i uzajamnih uticaja duhovnjaka i mistika pravoslavnih svetaca prvoga reda, kao što su Sveti Isak Sirijski, Dionisije Areopagit, sv. Simeon Novi Bogoslov, Grigorije Palama, sv. Grigorije Sinajski, tako i najznačajnijih sufija, kao što su Mevlana Dželaluddin Rumi, Zun-Nun, Hadži Bektaš Velija.

Posebna zanimljivost kako vjerskog tako i kulturološkog preplitanja i prožimanja između pravoslavlja i sufizma ogleda se kroz neka zajednička svetišta koja su bila, a i danas su, mjesta posjete i poštivanja obje skupine.

Na kraju rada autor nudi nekoliko zanimljivih priča o zajedništvu u muzici.

Ključne riječi: pravoslavlje, sufizam, isihazam, duhovni put, svetišta, duhovna muzika

A Contribution to the Study of the Encounters of Orthodoxy and Sufism

Goran Arsić


The paper aims to contribute to the understanding of a very poorly researched area of mutual influence between Orthodoxy and Sufism in Islam. Given the extensiveness of the topic and its importance, on the one hand, and limitations of a scientific paper for the journal, on the other hand, though by the scope he exceeded basic standards, the author offered a framework and basic guidelines for further research on this topic.

In the first part of the paper, the author offers an overview of the levels and historical circumstances on which the contacts between Orthodoxy and Islam took place, primarily in the Middle East, and more precisely in Asia Minor.

The main part of the paper is dedicated to understanding and presenting the encounters and mutual influences of clergy and mystics of Orthodox saints of the first order, such as St. Isaac of Syria, Dionysius the Areopagite, St. Simeon the New Theologian, Gregory of Palamas, St. Gregory of Sinai, as well as the most important Sufis, such as Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, Zun-Nun, Haji Bektash Veli.

The special interest of both religious and cultural intertwining and permeation between Orthodoxy and Sufism are reflected in some common shrines that were, and still are, places of visit and respect for both groups.

At the end of the paper, the author offers several interesting stories about togetherness in music.

Keywords: Orthodoxy, Sufism, hesychasm, spiritual path, shrines, spiritual music