Tesavvuf kao pretpostavka duhovnog odgoja

Preuzmi članak

Tesavvuf je autentična islamska disciplina, kao što su to fikh, tefsir, hadis i sl. Tesavvuf nije mistika, niti filozofija, već bit i suština islamske duhovnosti. Gnosa i odgoj su njegove dvije glavne odrednice tako da je ucijepljen u samu srž islamskog koncepta obrazovanja. Svjedok tome je i Gazi Husrev beg, utemeljite visokog vjerskog obrazovanja u našim krajevima, koji je tik uz samu svoju Medresu sagradio i hanikah – školu za duhovni odgoj čije je pohađanje bilo sastavni dio obrazovanja u tom periodu. Islamska zajednica i njene obrazovne institucije su u nasušnoj potrebi za ponovnim uvođenjem i revitalizacijom predmeta tesavvuf, kao temeljne pretpostavke savremene metodike duhovnog odgoja, u nastavnim planovima i programima.

Ključne riječi: tesavvuf, misticizam, filozofija, autentičnost, duhovnost, tarikat, metoda, metodika.

Mensur Valjevac end Mina Valjevac: Tasawwuf as a precondition for spiritual upbringing


Tasawwuf is an authentic Islamic discipline, such as fiqh, tafsīr, hadīs etc. Tasawwuf is not mystics, nor philosophy, rather it is the essence of Islamic spirituality. Gnosis and upbringing are its two main determinants so that it is ingrafted into the very core of the Islamic concept of education. The witness to that is also Gazi Husrev Bey, the founder of the religious higher education in our region, who also built a hanikah – a school for spiritual education whose attending was an integral part of education in that time – right next to his Madrasa. The Islamic community and its educational institutions are in an urgent need of reintroduction and revitalization of the subject tasawwuf in curriculums, as a basic precondition of the contemporary methodology of spiritual upbringing.

 Keywords: tasawwuf, mysticism, philosophy, authenticity, spirituality, tariqat, method, methodology