Abū Madyan al-Ġawṯ – utemeljitelj magrepske škole tesavvufa i jedan od najvažnijih učitelja Ibn ʻArabīja

Preuzmi članak

Šuʻayb ibn al-Ḥasan al-Anṣārī al-Andalusī, poznat kao Abū Madyan al-Ġawṯ, smatra se jednim od najznačajnih učitelja u povijesti tesavvufa i zbog svog velikog duhovnog utjecaja na sufije Magreba često se u literaturi oslovljava utemeljiteljem magrebske škole tesavvufa. Iako se nikada nisu sreli, zahvaljujući vezi sa njegovim brojnim učenicima kao i jednoj posebnoj duhovnoj vezi koju je imao sa Abū Madyanom, Ibn ʻArabī ga je smatrao jednim od svojih najvažnijih učitelja o čijim duhovnim stanjima i spoznajama je često pisao u svojim djelima. U radu se nastoji rasvijetliti život ovog sufijskog učitelja, osnovne karakteristike njegovog tesavvufskog nauka i djelovanja te utjecaj na kasnije sufijske učitelje, prije svega na Ibn ʻArabīja.

Ključne riječi: Abū Madyan, Ibn ʻArabī, Magreb, quṭb, šazilijski tarikat, prijateljstvo s Bogom (vilajet).

Edin Dedić

Abū Madyan al-Ġawṯ – the Founder of the Maghreb School of Tesawwuf

and One of the Most Important Teachers of Ibn ʻArabī


Shuʻayb ibn al-Ḥasan al-Anṣārī al-Andalusī, known as Abū Madyan al-Ġawṯ, is considered one of the most important teachers in the history of tasawwuf and, due to his great spiritual influence on Sufis of the Maghreb, he is often referred to in literature as the founder of the Maghreb school of tasawwuf. Although they never met, thanks to the connection with his many disciples, as well as one special spiritual connection he had with Abū Madyan, Ibn ʻArabī considered him one of his most important teachers about whose spiritual states and insights he often wrote in his works. The paper seeks to shed light on the life of this Sufi teacher, the basic characteristics of his Tesawwuf teachings and activities, and his influence on later Sufi teachers, especially Ibn ʻArabī.

Keywords: Abū Madyan, Ibn ʻArabī, Maghreb, quṭb, Shazili tariqat, friendship with God (vilayet).