Jezgra jezgre u predstavljanju jela i pića

Preuzmi članak

UDK  28-442

Abdullah Bošnjak (p. 1644) spada među najznačajnije bošnjačke mislioce i filozofe svih vremena, a također je jedna od najznačajnijih intelektualnih figura u historiji Osmanskog carstva. Iako je Bošnjak najpoznatiji kao tumač Ibn Arabijevog djela Fusus el-hikem, on je također pisac preko šezdeset drugih djela. Među njima je kratka poslanica Lubb ul-lubb fi bejan el-ʻakl we el-šurb (Jezgra jezgre u predstavljanju jela i pića), u kojoj razrađuje temu ishrane, ali iz perspektive islamske duhovnosti i metafizike, što ovu poslanicu čini veoma posebnom i značajnom jer je tema ishrane u islamskoj kulturi uglavnom sagledana iz perspektive islamskog prava, a vrlo rijetko iz perpektive islamske duhovnosti i metafizike, kako to čini Abdullah Bošnjak.

Ključne riječi: Abdullah Bošnjak, Ibn Arebi, tesavvuf, metafizika, ishrana.


The Core of the Core in Presenting Food and Drink

Abdullah Bošnjak


Abdullah Bošnjak (d. 1644) is one of the most important Bosniak thinkers and philosophers of all time, and he is also one of the most important intellectual figures in the history of the Ottoman Empire. Although Bošnjak is best known as the interpreter of Ibn ‘Arabī's Fuṣūṣ al-ḥikam, he is also the author of over sixty other works. Among them is the short epistle Lubb al-lubb fī bayān al-akl wa al-shurb (The core of the core in presenting food and drink) in which he elaborates on the topic of nutrition but from the perspective of Islamic spirituality and metaphysics. Thus, this epistle is very special and significant, because the topic of nutrition in the Islamic culture is mostly viewed from the perspective of Islamic law, and very rarely from the perspective of Islamic spirituality and metaphysics, as Abdullah Bošnjak does.

Keywords: Abdullah Bošnjak, Ibn ‘Arabī, tasawwuf, metaphysics, nutrition.