Metode odgoja na temelju gnostičkih principa u Sanaijevom djelu Vrt istine

Preuzmi članak

UDK 37:1]

Obrazovanje je nastojanje da se mlade generacije upoznaju s postignućima ranijih generacija, a odgoj ima značenje, odgajati čovjekovu dušu s ciljem poimanja vrline. Didaktička književnost se bavi odgojnim temama. Gnostički tekstovi se ne mogu motriti odvojeno od njihove didaktičke dimenzije jer prioritet daju njegovanju moralnih vrlina, filozofsko-religijskim vrijednostima, upotpunjavanju, ljepoti i spoznaji. Ali, u gnozi, podučavanje i odgoj se bave temama koje nadilaze relativnu moralnu problematiku, jer duhovni putnik nadilazi ove stupnjeve i posredstvom praktične gnoze putuje ka stupnju dosezanja Božije bliskosti. Dakle, gnoza nas podučava djelovanju i ponašanju koje vodi ka pročišćenju nutrine i duhovnom uzdizanju. Sanaijev Vrt istine (Hadīqat al-haqīqati) se smatra prvim didaktičko-gnostičkim poetskim djelom. Temeljno pitanje i cilj ovog istraživanja jeste pokazati u kakvom su odnosu odgojne metode Vrta istine s gnostičkim ciljevima i principima. U tu svrhu, didaktička naučavanja Vrta istine su reinterpretirana iz perspektive obrazovno-odgojnih principa koje pronalazimo u sufijskim tekstovima, a podaci su prikupljeni bibliotečkom metodom. Ovo istraživanje je deskriptivne prirode, a pristup je analitički. Na temelju njegovih rezultata, okrenutost nutrini u formi spoznaje, ljubav i raspad individualnosti su važni principi gnostičkog odgoja, koji su potpora odgajanom putniku dok prolazi različitim stupnjevima kako bi dosegnuo zbilju. Odgoj pira u formi izravnih i neizravnih naučavanja, jesu metode transformacije koje se, s ciljem odgoja duhovnoga putnika, primjenjuju u Sanaijevoj misli kako bi putnik mogao steći sposobnost samoizgradnje prema Sanaijevim parametrima. Na temelju ovih rezultata, Sanaijev Vrt istine se smatra referentnim književnim djelom u obrazovne svrhe i sa gnostičkim odgojnim metodama.

Ključne riječi: Sanai, Vrt istine, odgoj, gnoza, samoizgradnja.

Educational Methods Based on Gnostic Principles of Sana’i's Work The Garden of Truth

Alī Dahqān


Education represents an effort to acquaint young generations with the achievements of previous generations, while upbringing means nurturing of the human soul with the aim of understanding virtues. Didactic literature deals with educational themes. Gnostic texts cannot be viewed separately from their didactic dimension because they prioritize the cultivation of moral virtues, philosophical-religious values, fulfillment, beauty, and knowledge. However, in gnosis, education and upbringing deal with themes that transcend relative moral issues, because the spiritual traveler transcends these stages and, through practical gnosis, travels towards the stage of reaching the closeness of God. Thus, gnosis teaches us actions and behavior that lead to inner purification and spiritual elevation. Sana’i's The Garden of Truth (Hadīqat al-haqīqat) is considered the first didactic-gnostic poetic work. The fundamental question and goal of this research is to show how the educational methods of The Garden of Truth relate to gnostic goals and principles. For this purpose, the didactic teachings of The Garden of Truth are reinterpreted from the perspective of educational principles found in Sufi texts. The data were collected using the library method. This research is descriptive in nature, and the approach is analytical. Based on the results, inwardness in the form of knowledge, love, and the dissolution of individuality are important principles of gnostic education, which support the educated traveler as he passes through various stages to reach reality. The education provided by the pir in the form of direct and indirect teachings are methods of transformation that, with the aim of educating the spiritual traveler, are applied in Sana’i's thought so that the traveler can acquire the ability to self-develop according to Sana’i's parameters. Based on these results, Sanai's The Garden of Truth is considered a reference literary work for educational purposes, with gnostic educational methods.

Keywords: Sana’i, The Garden of Truth, education, gnosis, self-development.