UDK 821.222.1.09 Gaznevi S.
821.134.3(81).09 Saramago J.
Sanai Gaznevi, pjesnik iz 6. st. po H., prvi je veliki pjesnik gnostičke poezije iračkoga stila. Njegovo najpoznatije djelo napisano u formi mesnevije je Hadīqat al-haqīqati wa sharīʻat at-tarīqati i smatra se manifestom gnostičke simboličke poezije. Sanai je prvi u perzijskoj poeziji, upravo u ovome svome djelu, upotrijebio alegoriju grad slijepaca. Prije njega ovu alegoriju je u 4. st. po H., u arapskom proznom djelu Muqābesāt upotrijebio Ebu Hajjan Touhidi s namjerom da njome objasni Platonov govor.
Ogled o sljepoći naziv je romana Josea Saramagoa, portugalskog književnika i dobitnika Nobelove nagrade za književnost 1998. godine. U ovom radu, akcentirajući se na dva termina, adaptacija (iqtibās) i podudarnost (tawārod), autor će dati komparativnu kritičku analizu ova dva djela.
Ključne riječi: Sanai, Saramago, grad slijepaca, adaptacija, podudarnost.
From Senai to Saramago
Mahmoud Fazilat
Sana’i Ghaznavi, a poet from the 6th century AH, is the first great poet of gnostic poetry in the Iraqi style. His most famous work, written in the form of masnavi, is Hadīqat al-haqīqat wa sharīʻat al-tarīqat and is considered a manifesto of Gnostic symbolic poetry. Sana’i was the first in Persian poetry to use the allegory of the city of the blind in this work. Before him, this allegory had been used in the 4th century AH in the Arabic prose work Muqābesāt by Abu Hayyan Tawhidi with the intention of explaining Plato's speech.
An Essay on Blindness is the name of a novel by Jose Saramago, a Portuguese writer and winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1998. In this paper, the author provides a comparative critical analysis of these two works, by focusing on the two terms adaptation (iqtibās) and coincidence (tawārod).
Keywords: Sana’i, Saramago, city of the blind, adaptation, coincidence.