Russellov Introduction u Wittgensteinov Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus

Preuzmi članak

UDK  1 Wittgenstein

U prvoj rečenici “Vorworta” iz 1918. godine za Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Ludwig Wittgenstein piše da je zapravo riječ o djelu koje će biti u prilici razumjeti samo onaj koji je odveć razmišljao o onome što problematizira predmetno djelo, neovisno o mislima iznesenim u predmetnom djelu – ili barem mislima njima sličnim. Bertrand Russell napisao je drugi “Introduction” 1922. godine za Tractatus nakon što je Wittgenstein u svojim pismima iznio primjedbu o tome da je Russell krivo razumio njegovo djelo. Stoga, cilj ovoga rada jest predstaviti Russellov “Introduction” u Wittgensteinov Tractatus, koji upravo započinje iskazom da je riječ o djelu koje se ima držati važnim događajem u filozofskom svijetu. Stoga, u svome posljednjem “Introductionu” Russell izvodi trenutke koje smatra najznačajnijim u Tractatusu: logičku strukturu propozicije, prirodu logičkog zaključivanja, teoriju znanja, principe fizike, etike i mistike (das Mystische). Konačno, cilj ovoga rada ogleda se u izlaganju Russellovog razumijevanja temeljnih Wittgensteinovih učenja dovodeći ih u vezu s Wittgensteinovim primjedbama o Russellovom nerazumijevanju, pa, na tome tragu, hipoteza rada se ogleda u dokazivanju Wittgensteinovih primjedbi o Russellovome nerazumijevanju koje nalazimo u pismima, ali i izlaganjem temeljnih primjera Russellovog (ne)razumijevanja Wittgensteinova učenja u Russellovom “Introductionu”.

Russell’s Introduction into Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-philosophicus

Safer Grbić


In the first sentence of his preface to the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus from 1918, Ludwig Wittgenstein says that it is, in fact, a work that can only be understood by a person who has already thought about the ideas set forth in that work, or at least thoughts similar to them. Bertrand Russell wrote the second Introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus in 1922, after Wittgenstein, in his letters, noted that Russell had misunderstood his work. Therefore, the paper aims to present Russell's introduction to Wittgenstein's Tractatus, which begins with the words that it is a work that should be considered an important event in the philosophical world. Thus, in his final Introduction, Russell points out the elements he considers most significant in the Tractatus: the logical structure of proposition, the nature of logical in ference, the theory of knowledge, the principles of physics, ethics, and Mystical (das Mystische). In this regard, the aim of the paper is to present Russell's understanding of the fundamental teachings of Wittgenstein and linking them with Wittgenstein's remarks on Russell's misunderstanding. The hypothesis of the paper is to prove Wittgenstein's remarks on Russell's misunderstanding, which are found in the letters, but also to present basic examples of Russell's (mis)understanding of Wittgenstein's teachings from his Introduction.

Keywords: Tractatus, Wittgenstein, Russell, preface, introduction, philosophy