Sveto protiv sekularnog: Nasr o nauci

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UDK 001:141] Nasr, H.S

Kratak uvid u Seyyed Hossein Nasrova šarolika djela pokazuje da pitanje nauke zauzima središnje mjesto u njegovom mišljenju, zbog čega se autor osvrće na nju. Slijedeći dvostruku strategiju, Nasr se ne zadovoljava kritikom moderne zapadne nauke, pa otuda predstavlja svoje zamjensko gledište o nauci na osnovu tradicionalnih doktrina. Snažan naglasak na razlici između tradicionalnog i modernog, odnosno svetog i svjetovnog, provlači se kroz cjelokupno Nasrovo djelo. Njegov pristup nauci s religijske tačke gledišta nagovještava novi način gledanja na sporno pitanje religije i nauke. Ovaj esej se ograničava na kritičku analizu Nasrovog koncepta nauke kako u njenom tradicionalnom smislu tako i u modernom obličju, pri čemu se iznosi pet odlika moderne nauke. Ovdje valja naglasiti da smo uvrstili i Nasrov odgovor na ovaj esej, što zaista predstavlja dragocjenost, jer možemo vidjeti u kojoj se mjeri sam Nasr slaže s onim što je izneseno u vezi s njegovim promišljanjima.

Ključne riječi: Seyyed Hossein Nasr, sveto, sekularno, moderna zapadna nauka, tradicionalne nauke, tradicionalne doktrine, scijentistički svjetonazor.


Ibrahim Kalin


A quick look at Nasr's wide-ranging works shows that the question of science occupies a central place in his thought, for which the author refers to it. Following a two-fold strategy, Nasr does not remain content with the critique of modern Western science, but presents his alternative view of science on the basis of traditional doctrines. The heavy emphasis put on the distinction between the traditional and the modern, or the sacred and the profane, runs through Nasr's work. His approach to science from a religious point of view suggests a new way of looking at the vexed question of religion and science. This essay confines itself to a critical analysis of Nasr's concept of science both in its traditional sense and modern form, whereby five traits of modern science are presented. It is noteworthy that we have also included Nasr’s response to this essay, which is precious because we are able to see to what extent Nasr himself agrees with what has been said about his important deliberations.

Keywords: Sayyed Hossein Nasr, sacred, secular, modern Western science, traditional sciences, traditional doctrines, scientistic worldview.