Uzajamni odnos kulture baštine i socijalne sklupture

Preuzmi članak

UDK 930.85:7.01

Kulturna baština, posmatrana kao živ i dinamičan pojam, unutar sveobuhvatne slike društva, iz perspektive aktuelnih širih društvenih tema koje uključuju i pojam socijalna skulptura ‒ ostavštinu vizonara Josepha Beuysa ‒ nesumnjivo otvara nove pristupe i proširuje semantiku pojmova koji se dotiču muzeologije i ovogodišnje ICOM-ove teme i mota “Budućnost muzeja”. Poimanje kulturne baštine u dosadašnjem smislu postaje neadekvatan odgovor i zastarjela forma pristupa na izazove današnjeg vremena tehnoloških i društveno-političkih zbivanja. Važnost kulturne baštine je utoliko veća što za sobom povlači višegeneracijski vrijednosni sistem spram prošlosti, ali i odrednice prema budućnosti.

Ključne riječi: kultura, baština, socijalna skulptura, kreativnost, transformacija.

Mutual Relationship between Cultural Heritage and Social Sculpture

Merima Ivković


Cultural heritage, viewed as a live and dynamic notion, within a comprehensive picture of society, from the perspective of current broader social topics which also encompass the notion of social sculpture – the legacy of visionary Joseph Beuys – undoubtedly opens new approaches and expands the semantics of the notions which touch upon museology and this year ICOM topics and motto “the Future of museum”.

The notion of cultural heritage in the current sense becomes an inadequate response and outdated form of approach to challenges of contemporary technological and socio-political happenings. The importance of cultural heritage is all the greater because it entails a multigenerational value system  towards the past, but also the determinants towards the future.

Keywords: culture, heritage, social sculpture, creativity, transformation.