Začetak religiologije i filozofije religije u publikacijama islamske zajednice između dva svjetska rata

Preuzmi članak

UDK  28-1:28-78 “1918/1941”

Društveni život jednog područja reflektor je odnosa među narodima, kulturama i religijskim tradicijama. Nepresušne višestoljetne rasprave oko religijskog fenomena i religijskog faktora u svijetu dovode nas do zaključka da upravo religiji pripada posebno mjesto u društvu. U radu ćemo se osvrnuti na društveno-povijesni kontekst koji je uvjetovao nastanak nesistematizirane škole religiologije na području Bosne i Hercegovine u prvoj polovini dvadesetog stoljeća na tadašnjoj prestižnoj Višoj islamskoj šerijatsko-teološkoj školi (VIŠT), te na važne religiološke temate koji su začeti u periodu između dva svjetska rata, s posebnim akcentom na definiranje vjere, religije, filozofije religije, numinoznog u religiji i krize religioznog čovjeka.


The beginning of religiology and the philosophy of religion in the publications of the Islamic Community in BiH between the two World Wars

Amina Arnaut

The social life of an area is a reflection of the connection between ethnic groups, cultures and religious traditions. Inexhaustible centuries-old debates about the religious phenomenon and the religious factor in the world lead us to the conclusion that religion has a special place in society. The paper discusses the socio-historical context that led to the emergence of unsystematized school of religiology in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the first half of the twentieth century at the then prestigious Higher Islamic Sharia Theological School (known as VIŠT), as well as important religious topics conceived in the period between the two World Wars with special emphasis on defining faith, religion, philosophy of religion, the numinous in religion and the crisis of a religious man.

Keywords: religiology, faith, religion, philosophy of religion, the crisis of religious man, VIŠT.