Riječ i neizrecivo

Preuzmi članak

UDK 28-534.3



U ovom ogledu autor razmatra neka od osnovnih pitanja čovjeka koji stoji pred Bogom zagledan u Njegov Apsolut. Svoj ogled i misao autor razlaže kroz pet poglavlja od kojih svaki prati pet namaskih vremena, dakle cio dan, jedna zaokružena cjelina, možemo reći i čovjekov ovosvjetski vijek. Svako namasko vrijeme je određeno položajem Sunca koje aludira i na faze čovjekovog duhovnog života.

Autor poimanje Boga kakvim se predstavlja u teologiji izlaže velikoj kritici pritom propitujući čovjekove mogućnosti spoznaje Boga, to jest mogućnosti čovjekove misli koja je u poređenju s Apsolutnim Bogom ograničena. Autor ustvrđuje da teško misaono možemo obuhvatiti i ono što vidimo, i u tom slučaju ono nevidljivo ostaje još teže mislima dokučivo.

Grijeh svih teologija je u tome što su pravile hijerarhije koje su ih vodile u beskonačno udaljavanje božanskog od čovjeka. Bog je protjeran iz svijeta da bi čovjek mogao uspostaviti hijerarhiju i da ne bi morao živjeti u blizini Boga. Autor Boga vidi sveprisutnim i u tome vidi mogućnost ljudskog postojanja da bude u sveprisutnosti vlastitog osjećaja i povezanosti sa sveprisutnošću Boga.

Sljedeće važno pitanje koje autor promišlja je ljubav u odnosu čovjeka i Boga i pritom kritizira teološki stav o tome da se svijeta trebamo odreći i da ljubiti treba samo Boga. Ako Boga izbacite iz svijeta, ako ga prognate u svete hramove, svete knjige, svete rečenice – onda ste i svijet prepustili bezbožnim dušama kojima cilj eventualno može biti posjedovanje, zaključuje Sead Alić.

The Word and the Unspeakable

Sead Alić


In this essay, the author examines some of the basic questions of a man who stands before God looking at His Absolute. The author develops his essay and thought through five chapters, each of which follows five prayer times, so the whole day, one rounded whole, we can also say a man's life in this world. Each prayer time is determined by the position of the Sun, which also alludes to the stages of a person's spiritual life.

The author criticizes the concept of God as it is presented in theology, while questioning man's possibilities of knowing God, that is, the possibilities of man's thought, which is limited compared to the Absolute God. The author asserts that it is difficult for us to mentally encompass what we see, and, in that case, the invisible remains even more difficult for our thoughts to grasp.

The sin of all theologies is that they created hierarchies that led them to an infinite distance between the divine and the human. God was banished from the world so that man could establish a hierarchy and not have to live near God. The author sees God as omnipresent and in that he sees the possibility of human existence to be in the omnipresence of one's own feeling and connection with the omnipresence of God.

The next important question that the author ponders is love in the relationship between man and God, and, in doing so, he criticizes the theological position that we should renounce the world and that we should love only God. If you expel God from the world, if you banish Him to holy temples, holy books, holy sentences – then you have left the world to ungodly souls whose goal may eventually be possession, concludes Sead Alić.

Keywords: theological God, banished God, omnipresent God, love of God, knowledge

Ključne riječi: teološki Bog, protjerani Bog, sveprisutni Bog, ljubav Boga, spoznaja