Islamski i kur'anski motivi u književnosti Geoffreya Chaucera: Kanterberijske priče

Preuzmi članak

UDK UDK 821.111.09 : 28]

U ovome radu bavili smo se kur'anskim, islamskim i orijentalnim motivima u književnome radu engleskog književnika Geoffreya Chaucera. Nastojali smo istražiti na koje su načine islam, islamska tradicija i kultura, Kur'an i poslanik Muhammed, inspirirali i potakli neka od njegovih djela ili pojedina trenuci u njegovim djelima. Prije svega donijeli smo povijesni kontekst. Potom smo pažnju usmjerili ka njegovom glasovitom djelu Kanterberijske priče te donijeli načine na koje je Chaucer inkorporirao elemente islamske kulture i duhovnosti u spomenuto djelo. Konačno, treći dio rada se, pored islamskih i orijentalnih motiva, posebice bavi spomenom poslanika Muhammeda u Chaucerovom imaginarijumu “Pravnikove priče” iz Kanterberijskih priča, u kojoj su naznačeni motivi bjelodano prisutni i artikulirani.

Ključne riječi: Geoffrey Chaucer, Chaucer, islam, Muhammed, Kur’an, kršćanstvo, “Pravnikova priča”, četrnaesto stoljeće, Kanterberijske priče.

Islamic and Qur'anic Motifs in the Literature of Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales

Dženan Mušanović



In this paper, we discussed Qur’anic, Islamic and oriental motifs incorporated in the literary work of the English writer Geoffrey Chaucer. We tried to investigate the ways in which Islam, Islamic tradition and culture, the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad, inspired and encouraged some of his works or certain moments in his works. First of all, we discussed the historical context. We then turned our attention to his famous work, The Canterbury Tales, and brought out the ways in which Chaucer incorporated elements of Islamic culture and spirituality within this work. Finally, in the third part of the paper, in addition to Islamic and oriental motifs, we especially discussed the mentioning of Prophet Muhammad in Chaucer's images of the Man of Law's Tale from the Canterbury Tales, in which the indicated motifs are present and articulated.

Key words: Geoffrey Chaucer, Chaucer, Islam, Muhammad, Quran, Christianity, Lawyer's Tale, fourteenth century, Canterbury Tales.