Priroda i značaj Mulla Sadrinih spisa o Kur'anu

Preuzmi članak

UDK 28-254

S obzirom na nedostajanje sveobuhvatnog opisa Mulla Sadrinih tefsirskih djela u modernoj nauci, ovaj članak nudi podroban prikaz sadržaja, ustrojstva i opsega svakog njegovog spisa o Kur’anu. Ovdje predstavljena građa ne samo da proširuje razumijevanje važnosti Sadrinih djela o Kur’anu već i omogućava prefinjeniji pristup teorijskim dimenzijama njegove svetotekstualne hermeneutike. U popisu koji slijedi, Sadrini spisi o Kur’anu podijeljeni su u četiri opće kategorije: komentari pojedinačnih sura, komentari pojedinačnih ajeta, teorijska djela o Kur’anu i djela o Kur’anu upitne vjerodostojnosti. Ovaj spisak prati dodatak koji predstavlja okvirni redoslijed onih djela koja pripadaju prvim trima kategorijama. Ti se naslovi razmatraju u odnosu na njih same i u pogledu drugih Sadrinih databilnih spisa koji se ne bave Kur’anom.

Ključne riječi: Mulla Sadra, Kur’an, tefsir, djela, sura, ajeti.

The Nature and Significance of Mullā Ṣadrā's Writings on the Qur'ān

Author: Mohammed Rustom


Given the lack of a comprehensive description of Mullā Ṣadrā's tafsīr works in modern scholarship, the article offers a detailed account of the content, organization, and scope of each of his writings on the Qur'ān. The material presented here does not only expand the understanding of the importance of Ṣadrā's works on the Qur'ān, but it also enables a more refined approach to the theoretical dimensions of his sacred textual hermeneutics. In the list below, Ṣadrā's writings on the Qur'ān are divided into four general categories: commentaries on individual sūras, commentaries on individual āyats, theoretical works on the Qur'an, and works on the Qur'an of questionable authenticity. The list is accompanied by an appendix that presents the approximate order of those works belonging to the first three categories. These titles are considered in relation to themselves and in relation to Ṣadrā's other datable writings that do not deal with the Qur'ān.

Keywords: Mullā Ṣadrā, Qur'ān, tafsīr, works, sūra, āyats.