Ruža u kamenu – vizualna kultura i tradicija žena derviša u Sarajevu

Preuzmi članak

UDK 141.336 – 055.2

Članak se bavi tradicijom žena derviša u Sarajevu, koju možemo pratiti od 16. stoljeća, a odjeci ove tradicije prisutni su i u današnjem vremenu. U članku smo predstavile neke od najpoznatijih žena derviša (dervišhana) koje se spominju u povijesti Sarajeva. Istražile smo ženska turbeta i nišane u Sarajevu i okolici i navele lokalne predaje i legende koje se povezuju sa ženama sahranjenim u ovim grobovima (mezarima). Oblik rozete, ruže, đula ili güla pokazale smo kao najznačajniji motiv vizualne kulture žena derviša i predstavile smo različita simbolička tumačenja ovog motiva u sufijskoj duhovnosti. Ovaj motiv najčešće nalazimo na kamenim nadgrobnim spomenicima (nišanima), a prisutan je i u drugim materijalima. Povezivanjem tradicije žena derviša s motivima njihove vizualne kulture, željele smo ostvariti širi uvid u ulogu i značaj ove zapostavljene tradicije.

Ključne riječi: žene derviši (dervišhane), badžijanije, turbe, nišan, rozeta, đul, gül

Rose in stone – visual culture and tradition of female dervishes in Sarajevo

Rosana Ratkovčić i Meliha Teparić



The paper discusses the tradition of female dervishes in Sarajevo, which we can trace from the 16th century, while echoes of this tradition are still present today. The article presents some of the most famous female dervishes (dervishhane) recorded in the history of Sarajevo. We researched women's turbes and tombstones in Sarajevo and the surrounding area, and listed local traditions and legends associated with the women buried in these graves. We have shown that the shape of a rosette, rose, jul or gül is the most significant motif of the visual culture of female dervishes, and we have presented different symbolic interpretations of this motif in Sufi spirituality. The motif is most often found on stone tombstones (nišans), and is also present in other materials. By connecting the tradition of female dervishes with the motifs of their visual culture, we wanted to gain a broader insight into the role and significance of this neglected tradition.

Keywords: female dervishes (dervishhane), badžijanije, turbe, nišan, rosette, jul, gül