Stvaralačka imaginacija – “nebeska zemlja simbola”

Preuzmi članak

UDK 2-1

Stvaralačka imaginacija je ta koja svakoj trijeznoj muslimanskoj duši, vjerujućoj i mislećoj, pokazuje stvari kakve one jesu, i otkriva joj sama suštinska lica entiteta višnjih svjetova, dok onoj koja to nije, uvijek pokazuje samo forme, maske i “prividna lica” stvari i pojava donjih svjetova. Takav odnos prema
svakoj duši stvaralačka imaginacija ima u činu vjerovanja, u činu spoznavanja i u činu hermeneutičkog čitanja (ta’wīl/ ta‘bīr) “Božijeg Govora” i kao “Knjige egzistenata” (Kitāb almawjūdāt) i kao “Knjige slova” (Kitāb al-hurufāt), jer je u islamu čin vjerovanja, spoznavanja i čitanja potpuno poistovjećen
sa činom bivanja ili opstojanja.
Zaboraviti jezik stvaralačke imaginacije (lugha al-khayāl) znači lišiti istinskog “lica/Lica” sve ono što je Bog u vlastitom tvoračkom pregnuću dotaknuo sa “Svoje Dvije Ruke” (Sād, 75) i opečatio (tab‘ – otuda tabī‘a, iskonska priroda) žigom temeljnih određenja vlastitih Imena.


Creative Imagination – “Heavenly Land of Symbols”
Rešid Hafizović
The creative imagination is the one which shows to each sober Muslim soul, a believing and thinking soul, things as they are, and reveals to it the core faces of entities of higher worlds, whereas it always shows mere forms, masks and “apparent faces” of things and phenomena of lower worlds to the soul who is not a believing and thinking soul. The creative imagination maintains such relations with each and every soul in the act of believing, the act of knowing and the act of hermeneutic reading (ta’wīl/ta‘bīr) of “God’s speech”, as well as “The Book of the Existing” (Kitāb al-mawjūdāt) and “The Book of Letters” (Kitāb al-hurufāt), since, in Islam, the act of believing, knowing and reading is completely equal to the act of being or existing.
To forget the language of the creative imagination (lugha al-khayāl) means to deprive of the true “face/Face”everything that God, in His own creative endeavor, has touched with “His Two Hands” (Sād, 75) and sealed (tab‘ – hence tabī‘a, the primordial nature) with a seal of the founding determination of proper Names.
Keywords: creative imagination, mundus imaginalis, imaginary, imaginal, self-unveiling of God’s Essence, Henry Corbin