Ebu Jusuf Jaqub bin Ishāq Al-Kindi poznat je pod nadimkom “arapski filozof”. Shodno dokazima i svjedočanstvima koje posjedujemo, Al-Kindija se smatra prvim filozofom i naučnikom islamskog svijeta i ujedno naučnikom koji je vladao svim znanstvenim oblastima. On je u različitim naučnim disciplinama napisao brojne traktate, kao što su to traktati iz teozofije, prirodnih nauka, matematike, astronomije, medicine i muzike. Među Arapima on se spominje i kao astronom najvišeg ranga. Nakon “prevodilačkog pokreta”, Al-Kindi je napisao prva originalna filozofska djela u islamskom svijetu, a njegova filozofska misao zasniva se na peripatetičkoj filozofiji.


Abu Yusuf Yaqub bin Ishaq al-Kindi is known by his nickname “Arabic philosopher”. According to the evidence and testimonies we have, Al-Kindi is considered to be the first philosopher and scholar in the Islamic world and, at the same time, the scholar that mastered all scientific fields. He wrote numerous treatises in different scientific disciplines, such as theosophy, natural studies, mathematics, astronomy, medicine and music. Among Arabs he is mentioned as the astronomer of the highest rank. After “the translation movement”, al-Kindi wrote the first original philosophical works in the Islamic world, and his philosophical thought is based on peripatetic philosophy.

Keywords: Al-Kindi, philosophy, peripatetic philosophy, Islam