Duhovni putnik u pogledu Henryja Corbina

Preuzmi članak

UDK 140.8 Corbin H.

Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti djela francuskog filozofa Henryja Corbina, ukazati na filozofsku problematiku odnosa subjekt – objekt, te na posljedice nekih filozofskih i mističnih elemenata svojstvenih duhovnom putniku, stavljajući narav njezina adresata u surječje drugih primalaca poruka Corbinovog opusa. Autor također govori o smislu glagola putovati te o vezi kazivača i lika kojemu se obraća.

Henry Corbin’s View of a Spiritual Traveler
Rajka Švrgulj
The paper aims at exploring the works of French philosopher Henry Corbin by pointing to the philosophical problem of the subject-object relationship and consequences of some philosophical and mystical elements inherent in the spiritual traveler, whereby the author has placed the nature of her text in the realm of other recipients of Corbin’s opus. The author also discusses the meaning of verb to travel, and the connection between the teller and the person addressed.

Keywords: subject-object, Ishrâqi philosophy, mysticism, travel