UDK 113/119
141 Ibn Arebi
Bilo kakav govor o duhovnoj antropologiji unutar sufijskoga učenja gotovo je nemoguć bez razumij evanja duhovne i metafizičke kosmologije, kao svojevrsnog arhetipa Savršenoga čovjeka na Zemlji. Ibn ʻArebijeva (u. 1240) kosmologija, slobodni smo kazati, može se uzeti kao jedna od najrazuđenijih i najpotpunijih. Ovdje donosimo uvodna razmatranja njegove kosmologije, iz koje se dalje razvijaju i sva ostala u analitičkome smislu. Riječ je o razvijanju Predaje o Skrivenoj riznici i Dahu Svemilosnoga, kao uzroku sveg stvaranja i temelja za iscrtavanje u sufizmu poznatih pet prisutnosti ili pet ḥaḍrata.
Ključne riječi: ‛Amāʼ (Prvotni oblak), ḥaḍrat (prisutnost), hayāl (imaginacija)
The Cosmology of Ibn ‘Arabī – an introductory analysis
Kenan Čemo
Any discussion about spiritual anthropology within the Sufi doctrine is almost impossible without comprehending the spiritual and metaphysical cosmology, as a kind of archetype of the Perfect human on the Earth. We can say that the cosmology of hazrat Ibn ‘Arabī (d. 1240) can be taken as one of the most fragmented and most complete cosmologies. In this paper, we present introductory analysis of his cosmology from which all others develop in an analytical sense. It is about the development of the Tradition about “the Hidden treasury” and the Breath of the Merciful, as the cause of all the creation and the basis for “drawing” of “the five presences” or five ḥaḍrat which are famous in Sufism.
Keywords: ‛Amāʼ (The First cloud), ḥaḍrat (presence), hayāl (imagination)