Interaktivna duhovna veza Šemsa i Mevlane

Preuzmi članak

Rad tretira veoma kompleksan odnos hazreti Šemsa Tebrizija i hazreti Mevlana Dželaluddina Rumija kroz prizmu tri ravni: uopćena relacija A/ašik – M/ma'šuk; arhetipski primjer relacije putnik – duhovni vodič, odnosno murid – šejh iskazan kroz odnos poslanika Musaa i hazreti Hidra, te  odnos Sokrat – Platon. Rad insistira na činjenici da je odnos između Šemsa – Mevlane interaktivan, te se na tragu toga tretiraju pitanja: Šta je to Šems darovao Mevlani i šta je Mevlana darovao Šemsu?

Ključne riječi: Hidr, Musa, alejhiselam, Platon, Rumi, Sokrat, Šems Tebrizi.


Interactive Spiritual Relationship between Shams and Mevlana

Mubina Moker


The paper discuses a very complex relationship between Hazrat Shams Tabrizi and Hazrat Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi through the prism of three levels: the general relationship A/ashik – M/ma'shuk; an archetypal example of the relationship between a traveler and a spiritual guide, that is, between a murid and a sheikh, expressed through the relationship between Prophet Musa and Hazrat Hidr; and the relationship between Socrates and Plato. The paper insists on the fact that the relationship between Shems and Mevlana is interactive, whereby the following questions are discussed: What did Shams give to Mevlana, and what did Mevlana give to Shams?

Keywords: Hidr, Musa, peace be upon him (p.b.u.h.), Plato, Rumi, Socrates, Shams-e Tabrizi.