UDK 2:341.485]
Povijest ideje genocida prilično je duga, a sam događaj genocida kao izraz najmračnije strane ljudske prirode i ljudske
civilizacije veoma je složen i u svojoj zloćudnosti veoma nijansiran. Kao organizirano ubijanje ljudi počinjeno od jednog
političkog režima, njegovih vojnih i paravojnih snaga, genocid je, zapravo, masovno ubijanje drugih i drugačijih naroda zbog
njihove rase, etniciteta, religije, jezika te zbog drugih političkih svrha i ciljeva koje vršitelji genocida imaju na umu. Stoga je
genocid u isti mah i masovni zločin, politicid, kulturocid, epistemicid, ekocid, religiocid i democid. Osim ubijanja ljudi, on
uključuje i razaranje kulturnih dobara i uništavanje socijalnih institucija cijele jedne društvene skupine.
Islamski odgovor ovoj najmračnijoj pojavi u ljudskom rodu je teologija genocida koja u prvome redu mora razmotriti razlog
zbog kojeg je smrt svakog nedužnog čovjeka, prema vjerujućoj i mislećoj tradiciji islama, jednaka pomoru cijelog ljudskog
roda (al-Mā’ida, 32), i taj razlog posvijestiti svakom čovjeku na Zemlji prije nego se ikad odluči na čin ubojstva nekog drugog
i drukčijeg čovjeka kao krunskog Božijeg stvorenja.
Towards the Theology of Genocide
Rešid Hafizović
The history of the idea of genocide is quite long, and the occurrence of genocide itself, as an expression of the darkest side of human nature and human civilization, is very complex, with multilayered malignancy. As an organized killing of people committed by a political regime, its military and paramilitary forces, genocide is, in fact, mass killing of other and different people because of their race, ethnicity, religion, language and other political purposes and goals that the perpetrators of genocide have in mind. Therefore, genocide is, at the same time, a mass crime, politicide, culturocide, epistemicide, ecocide, religiocide and democide. In addition to killing people, it also includes the destruction of cultural assets and the destruction of social institutions of an entire social group.
The Islamic answer to this darkest phenomenon in the human race is the theology of genocide, which must first consider the reason why the death of every innocent person, according to the believing and thinking tradition of Islam, is equal to demise of the entire human race (al-Mā'ida, 32), and make every man on Earth aware of that reason before he ever decides to commit the act of murdering other and different man as the crown of God's creation.
Keywords: genocide, politicide, culturocide, epistemicide, ecocide, religiocide, democide.