Knjiga o Veličanstvenosti i Ljepoti

Preuzmi članak

UDK 28
141.111 Ibn Arebi

Djelo Kitabul-Dželāl vel-Džemāl (Knjiga o Veličanstvenosti i Ljepoti) jedna je od najznačajnijih poslanica Muhjiddina Ibn Arebija. Djelo je napisano u toku jednog dana 1205. Godine dok je Ibn Arebi boravio u gradu Mosulu. Kako sam naslov govori, ova poslanica se bavi temom Božije Veličanstvenosti i Ljepote i razumijevanjem ovih esencijalnih Božijih svojstava na primjeru kur’anskih ajeta koje Ibn Arebi tumači iz više aspekata, pa se ovo djelo može smatrati svojevrsnim tematskim
tefsirom. No, uz teozofsku, ova poslanica također ima i estetsku dimenziju, u njoj se razmatraju pitanja koja čine srž estetike sa gledišta islamske duhovnosti i klasične islamske kulture.


Ibn Arebi: The Kitab Al-Jalal Wa-l Jamal (On Majesty and Beauty)

Ibn Arebi The Kitab Al-Jalal Wa-l Jamal (On Majesty and Beauty) is one of the most important epistles by Ibn ‘Arabi. This epistle was written in one day in 1205 while Ibn ‘Arabi was in the city of Mosul. As the title says, this epistle talks about God’s Majesty and Beauty as well as understanding of these essential God’s attributes through verses of Qur’an that Ibn ‘Arabi interprets from several aspects, so this piece can be considered as a kind of thematic tafseer (Qur’anic commentary, interpretation and explanation). However, besides its theosophical dimension this epistle also has its aesthetic dimension – it contains discussions on issues that make the essence of aesthetics from the Islamic spirituality and classical Islamic culture point of view.

Key words: Ibn Arebi, Majesty, Beauty, tafseer, theosophy, spirituality, aesthetics, Islamic culture.