Mensur Halladž u predaji ‘Attara iz Nišabura

Preuzmi članak

UDK 929 Halladž M.

O Husejnu Mensuru zvanom Halladž postoje razne predaje. Jedni ga smatraju vanrednim gnostikom i sufijom, dok je za druge opsjenar i varalica. Gnostici poput ‘Attara, Mevlane, Sadija i Hafiza nepodijeljeno smatraju da je Halladž bio gnostik svom puninom tog značenja. Oprečni stavovi plod su nerazumijevanja Halladžovog autentičnog gnostičkog nauka, sažetog u riječima Ja sam Istina. A ta Istina ne znači drugo do ljubav prema smrti i preziranje života. Želiš li doći do Boga, ‘ubij’ svoj nefs, kloni se ljudi i pripremi se tjelesno i duhovno za zlata vrijedan trenutak dolaska smrti. Budi ponizan da postaneš uzvišen. Ubij sebe da oživiš. U tome je značenje riječi Ja sam Istina. Kako je zamršena Halladžova ontologija i kako je mračna staza do njega! Samo Bog Uzvišeni može nam čiragom osvijetliti stazu ovu!

Ključne riječi: ‘Attar, Bagdadi, Corbin, češljač tajni, Halladž, Massignon, Mekki, Tostari


Mansur Hallaj in the Tradition of ‘Attar of Nishapur

Saeid Abedpour

There are many stories of Husayn Mansur a.k.a. Hallaj. Some consider him to be an extraordinary gnostic and sufi, while others think that he was a conjuror and an impostor. Gnostics like ‘Attar, Mevlana, Saadi and Hafiz unanimously hold that Hallaj was a gnostic in full meaning of that word. The contrasting opinions are the result of failure to understanding Hallaj’s authentic Gnostic science, concisely expressed in the following words: I am the Truth. That Truth means nothing but love towards death and despise towards life. If you want to reach God, you must “kill” your nefs, stay away from people and prepare your body and soul for the precious moment when death will arrive. Be humble in order to be sublime. Kill yourself so that you can revive. That is the meaning of the words I am the Truth. How complex is Hallaj’s ontology and how dark the path that leads to him! Only God Almighty can enlighten that path by His light!

Keywords: ‘Attar, Baghdadi, Corbin, comber of secrets, Hallaj, Massignon,Mekki, Tostari.