Pogled na život i djelo Allame Tabatabaija

Preuzmi članak

UDK 929 Tabatabai A.
1 Tabatabai A.
A llame Tabatabai bio istaknut istraživač i plodan učenjak koji je većinu života proveo u proučavanju i odgajanju plodnih autora. Njegova vrijedna djela u različitim oblastima vjerske spoznaje svjedoče o dubokoumnosti i intelektualnom potencijalu ovog cijenjenog mufesira. U njegovim se djelima zapaža inovativnost, kritička analiza, duboka fi lozofska i intelektualna rasprava te slobodoumlje praćeno privrženošću načelima šerijata i odgovorima na zahtjeve vremena. Među djelima Allame Tabatabaija najznačajnija su Al-Mizan fi tafsir al-Qur’an u dvadeset svezaka, Usul-e falsafeh va ravesh-e-realism (Principi fi lozofi je i metoda realizma), djelo u pet svezaka, Bidayat al-hikma (Početak fi lozofi je), Nihayat al-hikma (Završetak fi lozofi je) i Shie dar eslam (Šiija u islamu). O iznimnom duhovnom i intelektualnom značaju Allame Tabatabaija govori i činjenica da je njegova predavanja godinama slušao i predano od njega učio i Henry Corbin, jedan od najizvrsnijih poznavalaca islamske filozofi je na Zapadu.

The “Principle of Employment” and Human Justice from the Point of View of Allama Tabatabai

Feizieh Shamsi Nasab


Through the discussion of social credibility, Allama Tabatabai deals with the analysis of concepts and categories, among which are elements current in social philosophy that indicate his point of view on social issues. Employment theory is one of Allama Tabatabai’s significant views in the field of anthropology. This theory is cited by Allama Tabatabai in his works on philosophy, methodology of Islamic law and Qur’anic sciences as an explanation of the origin and causes of human social life. From the point of view of Allama Tabatabai, employment is the primary principle of social relations and it rules both in the relations of people with other beings as well as in the relations of people with each other. According to this principle, man wants only his own profit and uses other people and beings for his own interests. From the point of view of Allama Tabatabai, this primordial principle is one of the means by which God has provided man for life in This world and interventions in it during the stages of his perfection. However, if there is no factor like faith, this nature can lead man into injustice and violence.

Keywords: Allama Tabatabai, the principle of employment, society, justice, injustice