UDK 321.01:821.222.1.09 Širazi
Sadi Širazi spada među one pjesnike koji su vjerovali da književnost ima važnu odgojnu ulogu u društvu, posebno u promoviranju morala i dobrih praksi upravljanja i vladanja. Njegov osebujni pjesnički talent usmjeren je na edukaciju i savjet, a književno djelo prožeto je brojnim poučnim pripovijestima, poslovicama, primjerima iz života velikih državnika sa šireg prostora u kojem je živio i djelovao, nataloženim iskustvima različitih kategorija društva te ličnih doživljaja i svjedočenja. Sadijev Bustan, koji je u središtu ovoga rada, na poseban način zrači savjetodavnim karakterom vladaru i državnoj administraciji. Koncept države i vlasti, koji Sadi promovira, čine ga zastupnikom savremenog modela socijalne države i pravde u njenom ključnom obliku: briga o siromašnim i nemoćnim članovima društva i dosljedno provođenje pravde u državi. To ga smješta među daleke preteče modela socijalne države. Ovaj rad razmatra ideju i aspekte socijalne države u Sadijevom Bustanu.
Sa‘di Shirazi is among those poets who believed that literature has an important didactic role in society, especially in promoting morals and good practices in governing and ruling. His peculiar poetic talent is focused on education and advice, and his literary work is filled with numerous instructive narratives, proverbs, examples form the lives of great statemen from the vast region in which he lived and worked, the sedimented experiences of various classes of society, and personal experiences and witnessing. Sa‘di’s Bustan, which is in the focus of this paper, is characterized with particular advice to the ruler and the state administration. The concept of state and rule which Sa‘di promotes makes him an advocate of the contemporary model of welfare state and justice in its key aspect: care for the poor and powerless members of society and consistent exercising of justice in state. This places him among the predecessors of the model of welfare state. This paper discusses the idea and aspects of welfare state in Sa‘di’s Bustan.
Keywords: social role of literature, state administration, welfare state, justice, care for the poor.