UDK 821.512.161-1
821.512.161.09 Hudaji A M
U radu se izlažu osnovni podaci o životu i djelima šejha Aziza Mahmuda Hudajija te primjeri poezije iz njegovog Divana. Aziz Mahmud Hudaji bio je učenik šejha Uftadea, za kojeg se veže dželvetijski derviški red. Premda se šejh Muhjiddin Uftade smatra osnivačem dželvetijskog tarikata, red je institucionaliziran tokom perioda djelovanja šejha Mahmuda Hudajija, jednog od njegovih duhovnih nasljednika, te je kasnije red postao poznat i kao red hudajija. Šejh Hudaji bio je plodan pisac, autor je dvadeset i šest djela, od toga devetnaest na arapskom, a sedam na turskom jeziku. Pisao je didaktičku, sufijsku poeziju na jasnom, narodnom turskom jeziku u lirskom stilu i time se uvrstio u plejadu tesavvufskih pjesnika narodne književnosti. Poeziju je pisao u slogovnom i kvantitativnom metru. Ponekad je napuštao rimu i metar radi smisla i značenja koji je želio iskazati.
Ključne riječi: Aziz Mahmud Hudaji, Muhjiddin Uftade, dželvetije, bajramije, sufijska poezija
Aziz Mahmud Hudayi – Turkish Poet and Mutasawwif
Merjem Kasumović, Vedad Kasumović, Dženan Hasić
The paper presents basic information about the life and works of Sheikh Aziz Mahmud Hudaji and examples of poetry from his Divan. Aziz Mahmud Hudaji was a student of Sheikh Uftade, to whom the Djelveti Dervish order is associated. Although Sheikh Muhjiddin Uftade is considered the founder of the Djelveti tariqa, the order was institutionalized during the period of activity of Sheikh Mahmud Hudaji, one of his spiritual successors, and later the order became known as the order of Hudaji. Sheikh Hudaji was a prolific writer, the author of twenty-six works, nineteen in Arabic and seven in Turkish. He wrote didactic, Sufi poetry in a clear, vernacular Turkish language in a lyrical style, thus joining the constellation of Tasawwuf poets of folk literature. He wrote poetry in syllabic and quantitative meter. Sometimes he abandoned rhyme and meter for the sake of sense and meaning he wanted to convey.
Keywords: Aziz Mahmud Hudayi, Muhyiddin Uftade, Jelveti, Bayramiye, Sufi poetry