Ademov pad u irfanskom poimanju

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UDK 28:31

Nakon što je stvoren od zemlje i nakon što mu je Bog udahnuo od Svoga Ruha, čovjek je dosegnuo stupanj poznavanja Božijih imena. Tad je on slušao govor i poruke Boga i razgovarao s melekima. Neposlušnost i grijeh doveli su do njegova pada u svijet u kojem se pojavio u velu lažnoga i lažljivoga sepstva, a Ademov povratak u svijet iz kojeg je istjeran moguć je samo i jedino nestajanjem i žrtvovanjem lažnoga sepstva. Ovaj rad, naglašavajući središnju ulogu neposlušnosti, tretirat će povijesni aspekt pada i jedan od njegovih stupnjeva ‒ onaj koji je započeo mitskim politeističkim prikazima i čiji kontinuitet traje do potpunog nestanka neba i pojave modernoga svijeta. Pojava sunca zbilje s brojnih horizonata konačna je tačka ovog kontinuiranog pada.

U radu će se tretirati pad s irfanskog gledišta kroz nekoliko naslovljenih tema.

Ključne riječi: tevhid, pad, veo, geografija i povijest širka, neposluh, tamassol.

Adam’s Descent from the Perspective of Irfan

Hamid Parsaniya


After he had been created out of clay and after God had breathed into him of His Spirit, man reached the stage of learning of the Names of God. At that stage, he listened to the speech and messages of God and spoke to angels. The disobedience and sin resulted in his descent to a world in which he appeared in the veil of a false and deceitful self, and Adam’s return to the world form which he was expelled is possible only by the disappearance and sacrificing of the false self.

While emphasizing the central role of the disobedience, the paper discusses the historical aspect of the descend and one of its degrees – the one that began with mythical polytheistic depiction, the continuity of which lasts until the complete disappearance of heaven and the emergence of the modern world. The emergence of the sun of reality from numerous horizons is the final point of this continuous descent.

The paper discusses the descent from the perspective of Irfan thorough several titled topics.

Keywords: tawhid, descent, veil, geography and the history of shirk, disobedience, tamassol.