Čovjekova spoznaja Boga i svijeta na primjeru svetog Efrema Sirskog

Preuzmi članak

Kršćanska se vjera na sirskom jeziku artikulirala kroz susret kultura, jezika i teoloških rasprava prvih stoljeća. U takvom okruženju razvile su se metode promišljanja o dolasku do Istine (to jest Boga), različite od grčke i latinske kršćanske tradicije. U svrhu izbjegavanja definicija pojmova i odnosa s Bogom, pisci ranokršćanske sirske tradicije koriste poeziju kao oruđe filozofskog i teološkog promišljanja. U tom smislu, odnos prema neshvatljivom poprima istovremeno molitveno-mističnu i intelektualnu formu. Glavni predstavnik ovakve teologije koja odnos vjere i razuma artikulira kroz mistiku i liturgijski čin je sveti Efrem Sirski. On je ostavio pečat teološkog razmišljanja i komentiranja Svetog Pisma ne samo u svom vremenu, nego i stoljećima kasnije, što je vidljivo kod mnogih autora sirskog jezika. Cilj ovog rada je predstaviti neke značajke Efremovog razumijevanje odnosa Boga i čovjeka. Članak ove značajke ilustrira kroz nekoliko Efremovih tekstova.

Human Cognition of God and the World in the Example of Saint Ephrem the Syrian

Srećko Koralija


The paper brings three hymns by Saint Ephrem the Syrian presenting some features of his understanding the relationship between God and human beings. Christian faith in the Syriac tradition has been articulated through gradual encounters of cultures, languages and theological debates of the first centuries. In such an environment, the ways of reflection about reaching the Truth (i.e., God) within the Syriac milieu developed in a different way than the ways developing within the Greek and Latin theological tradition. In order to avoid definitions of terms and relationships with God, early Syriac writers used poetry as a tool for philosophical and theological reasoning. In that sense, the relation to what they considered as incomprehensible takes for them both mystical and intellectual outlook. The key representative of such theology that articulates the relationship between faith and reason via prayer is Saint Ephrem the Syrian. His theological reasoning and commentaries on the Scriptures were taken as guidelines for generations of Syriac writers during centuries that followed him.

Keywords: Saint Ephrem the Syrian, mystical poetry, early Christianity, hymn, Bible interpretation