Ibn ‘Arebi: Kapija intelektualne tradicije

Preuzmi članak

Pripadnici intelektualne tradicije su smatrali da je konačni cilj cjelokupnog islamskog naučavanja osvijestiti u ljudima njihovu vlastitu intelektualnu i duhovnu narav, a to je božanska slika koja se nalazi u srcu. Autor kada kaže da je Ibnu-l-‘Arebī kapija intelektualne tradicije, on koristi riječ intelektualno nasuprot prenesenom, odnosno misli na prepoznatu i spoznatu istinu, a ne na pûkê informacije. Da bi shvatili značaj Ibnu-l-‘Arebījevog živog naslijeđa, važno je jasno razumijevati razliku između ove dvije vrste (s)poznavanja. Islamski svjetonazor je najobuhvatnije i najrazrađenije tretirao upravo Ibnu-l-‘Arebī. Za njega nije bilo načina opravdati oštro razdvajanje između etike i ontologije, odnosno subjektivnosti i objektivnosti. Zapravo, njegova namjera je bila pokazati da će se istinsko prepoznavanje sebe i Boga, stvarni život, potpuno ostvarenje čovjekova položaja, otkriti jedino slijedeći stope predvodnikâ koje je poslao Stvarni.

Ključne riječi: Ibnu-l-‘Arebī, intelektualna tradicija, živo naslijeđe, stvarni život, intelekt (‘akl), srce, ma‘rifa (prepoznavanje), tahkīk (ostvarenje)

William C. Chittick: Ibn Arabi: The Gate of the intellectual tradition


Members of the intellectual tradition believed that the final aim of the whole Islamic teaching was to awake within people their own intellectual and spiritual nature, which is the divine image located in the heart. When the author says that Ibn Arabi is the gate of the intellectual tradition, he uses the word intellectual as opposed to transmitted, i.e. what he has in mind is a recognized and perceived truth, and not mere information. In order to understand the significance of Ibn Arabi’s living heritage, it is important to clearly distinguish between these two kinds of knowing (comprehending). The Islamic worldview was most comprehensively and most elaborately examined by Ibn Arabi himself. According to him, a sharp distinction between ethics and ontology, i.e. between subjectivity and objectivity, could not be justified in any way. In fact, his intention was to show that the true recognition of self and God, the real life, the complete realization of human’s position would be discovered only by following the steps of the leaders sent by the Real one.

Keywords: Ibn Arabi, intellectual tradition, living heritage, real life, intellect (‘akl), heart, ma‘rifa (recognition), tahkīk (realization).