Irfan – kratki historijat i osnovni pojmovi

Preuzmi članak

UDK 28-1 Sažetak Ovaj rad nas u kratkim crtama upoznaje s irfanom (gnozom) kao školom mišljenja, ali i s pogledom arifa (gnostika) na ovaj svijet općenito, predočavajući nam ujedno osnovnu temu ove intelektualne tradicije, a to je bitak. Nakon uvoda i definiranja pojma irfana, autor se kratko osvrće na razvojnu putanju ove intelektualne forme sufizma od prvog stoljeća po Hidžri pa sve do danas, a zatim sažeto govori o dva vida irfana, praktičnom i teorijskom, te nas upoznaje s nekoliko razina praktičnog irfana i njegovim osnovnim pojmovima.


A short overview of the basic terms and the history of Irfan

Džafer Zāreān

The paper aims briefly to present Irfan (Islamic gnosis) as a general worldview of an Islamic gnostic and Irfan as a scientific discipline. In short, its goal is to explain the subject of Irfan, that is, the scientific discipline with the subject of the world of existence. After the introduction and the definition of Irfan, the author shortly writes about the history of Irfan and the course of development of this ontological discipline from the first century AH until today. The author also writes shortly about two aspects of Irfan, i.e. the theoretical and the practical aspect. At the end, the author presents to us few levels of the practical Irfan and its basic terms.

Keywords: Irfan, soul, illumination, revelation, truth, Ibn ‘Arabi, gnosis, knowledge