Kur’anski motivi u književnosti Johanna Wolfganga von Goethea

Preuzmi članak

U ovom radu razmatramo kur'anske, islamske i orijentalne motive inkorporirane u književnom radu Johanna Wolfganga von Goethea. Nastojali smo istražiti na koje su načine islam, Kur'an i poslanik Muhammed inspirirali neka od njegovih djela. Najprije donosimo biografsko-historijski kontekst. Potom slijedi sažet prikaz ulomaka Goetheovih djela inspiriranih islamom i Kur'anom. Prije svega, djelo koje potpuno zahvaća u tradiciju islama i koje je u cjelini prožeto tim motivima jest Zapadno-istočni divan. Ovo poglavlje ni izbliza ne obuhvata sve motive niti sve navode, no prostor nam nije dopuštao dublju i detaljniju razradu problema. Konačno, treći dio rada se posebice bavi spomenom Muhammeda u Goetheovom umjetničkom radu i njegovom oduševljenošću ličnošću Poslanika.

Ključne riječi: Goethe, islam, Kur’an, Zapadno-istočni divan, Hafiz, motiv, pjesnik.

Qur'anic Motives in the Literature of Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Dženan Mušanović


In this paper, we discuss the Qur'anic, Islamic and oriental motifs incorporated in the literary work of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. We explore the ways in which Islam, the Qur'an and the Prophet Muhammad inspired some of his works. First, we bring the biographical-historical context. This is followed by a summary of fragments of Goethe's works inspired by Islam and the Qur'an. The book that completely embraces the tradition of Islam and is permeated with these motifs as a whole is the Western-Eastern divan. The paper does not cover all the motives or all the assertions, since space constrains did not allow us to elaborate the topic in more depth and detail. Finally, the third part of the paper particularly discusses the reference to Muhammad in Goethe's artistic work and his enthusiasm for the personality of the Prophet.

Keywords: Goethe, Islam, Qur'an, Western-Eastern divan, Hafiz, motif, poet.