Mistična teologija i poezija San Juana de la Cruza

Preuzmi članak

The Mystical Theology and Poetry of San Juan De La Cruz

UDK  821.134.2.09-1


Kao što pokazuje Ynduráin, poezija svetog Ivana od Križa obiluje raznolikim književnim odjecima koji čine materijal koji obogaćuje svaki redak evokacijama i konotacijama. Stoga te reference donose očitu kreativnu slobodu u njegovoj poeziji. S druge strane, ideološke osnove Ivanove poezije prilično su homogene i zatvorene jer se temelje na Pseudo-Dioniziju i njegovim tumačima. Redak po redak, poruka Cántica i ostatka Ivanove poezije bez sumnje upućuje na jednu od velikih filozofskih tradicija zapadne kulture. Sveti Ivan pazi da izbjegne nejasnoće i hirovite reference i pomno slijedi neke autoritete koji se u konačnici temelje na svetom Pavlu, pa čak i Platonu.

Ključne riječi: mistična poezija, mistična teologija, Sveti Ivan od Križa, Duhovni spjev


Angel Gomez Moreno

Keywords: Saint John of the Cross, mystical poetry, mystical theology

As demonstrated by Ynduráin, the poetry of St John of the Cross abounds in varied literary echoes which constitute a material that enriches each line through evocations and connotations. Thus, these references bring about a manifest creative freedom in his poetry. On the other hand, the ideological foundations of St John ́s poetry are rather homogeneous and closed as they are based on Pseudo-Dionysius and is expounders. Line by line, the message of Cántico and the rest of St John ́s poetry refers without a doubt to one of the great philosophical traditions of western culture. St John is careful to avoid vagueries and capricious references and follows closely some auctoritates that ultimately are based on St Paul and even Plato.