UDK 28-254
Godine 2015. objavljen je novi prijevod i komentar Kur’ana na engleskom jeziku pod nazivom The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary. Ukupan broj stranica ovog zna[1]menitog djela koje uključuje uvod koji prethodi prijevodu i ko[1]mentaru a napisao ga je glavni urednik Seyyed Hossein Nasr, prijevod i komentar, petnaest eseja međunarodno priznatih uče[1]njaka koji pokrivaju gotovo sve punovažne teme za prohodnost kur’anskim sadržajem, tri apendiksa, biografije komentatora, indeks i mape, iznosi više od dvije hiljade stranica. Riječ je o djelu na kojem su radili desetak godina spomenuti Nasr i ure[1]đivački odbor sastavljen od naučnika – američkih muslimana koji su svoje doktorate iz islamskih nauka stekli na vodećim američkim univerzitetima te imaju bogato iskustvo islamskoga svijeta i dobro poznaju tradicionalne islamske nauke odnosno klasični arapski jezik. U komentar su uvrštena brojna djela tra[1]dicionalnih mufesira, kako sunijskih tako i šiijskih, dok su izo[1]stavljena djela za koja su urednici smatrali da se ne uklapaju u dugu tradiciju tumačenja Božije Riječi. Svakako, djela nemusli[1]manskih proučavalaca i orijentalista isključena su jednostavno zbog toga što ne prihvaćaju Kur’an kao Božiju objavu. Ovdje iz spomenutog djela donosimo prijevod i tumačenje Ajeta o svjetlosti – jedan od najpoznatijih i najčešće učenih kur’anskih ajeta, koji se tumačio metafizički, kosmološki, kosmogonički, epistemološki i psihološki pa je imao velik utjecaj u islamskoj umjetnosti i arhitekturi. Ključne riječi: Kur’an, ajet o svjetlosti, prijevod.
The translation and commentary of the Ayat al-Nūr (the verse of Light) in the work The Study Quran
The translator and author of the commentary Caner K. Dagli
In 2015, a new translation and commentary of Quran in English was published under the title The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary. The total number of pages of this remarkable work is more than two thousand, and it includes the introduction that precedes the translation and commentary written by the editor in chief Sayyed Hossain Nasr, the translation and commentary, fifteen essays by internationally recognized scholars that cover almost all the topics relevant for going through the Quranic contents, three appendixes, biographies of the commentators, index and maps. The aforementioned editor Nasr has worked on this book for ten years together with the editorial board that was composed of scholars – American Muslims who obtained their Ph.D. degrees in Islamic studies at leading American universities and who have extensive experience of the Islamic world and profound knowledge of traditional Islamic sciences, i.e. the classical Arabic language. A numerous works of traditional commentators of the Quran, both Sunny and Shiite, have been included in the commentary, while the editors left out works which did not fit into the long tradition of the commentary of God’s Word. In addition, works by non-Muslim researchers and orientalists have been excluded simply because they do not accept Quran as God’s revelation. From the aforementioned work, this paper provides the translation and commentary of the Ayat al-Nūr – one of the best known and most red Quranic chapters, which was interpreted metaphysically, cosmologically, cosmogonically, epistemologically and psychologically, whereby it has had a huge impact on Islamic art and architecture.