Argument fitreta o postojanju Boga u transcendentalnoj filozofiji, Kur’anu i predajama

Preuzmi članak

UDK 28-13

U filozofiji postoje brojni argumenti o postojanju Boga koji se po značaju razlikuju, s tim da svaki od tih argumenata ima svoje prednosti i nedostatke. Argument fitreta o postojanju Boga tek je u novije vrijeme u filozofiji zadobio pažnju koja mu pripada zbog njegove važnosti, a o čemu će biti govora u ovom radu. Ovaj rad koncipiran je tako da je prvo poglavlje posvećeno filozofskoj analizi argumenta fitreta koja slijedi Mulla Sadrovu filozofiju. Drugo poglavlje nudi pregled kur’anskog pogleda na fitret i njega kao argumenta o postojanju Boga. U trećem poglavlju čitamo predaje koje detaljnije razrađuju kur’anski nauk u vezi s ovim pitanjem. Namjera rada je da pokaže da ova tri izvora ljudske spoznaje u svojim rezultatima, u ovom slučaju fitreta, nisu oprečni nego kompatibilni i da se nadopunjavaju.


The argument of fitrat for the existence of God in the transcendent philosophy, Qur’an and traditions

Amar Imamović

In philosophy, there are numerous arguments for the existence of God which differ in significance, while each of these arguments having its advantages and disadvantages. The argument of fitrat for the existence of God has only recently received the attention that it deserves in philosophy because of its significance. The paper discusses that topic. The paper has been designed in a way that the first chapter is dedicated to the philosophical analysis of the argument of fitrat, which follows Mulla Sadra’s philosophy. The second chapter gives an overview of the Qur’anic view of fitrat and its being an argument for the existence of God. In the third chapter we cite the traditions that even further elaborate the Qur’anic teachings of the matter. The paper aims to ultimately show that these three sources of human knowledge do not contradict each other in their results, in this case regarding fitrat, but are compatible and complementary to each other. Keywords: fitrat, soul, the argument of fitrat, transcendent philosophy, Qur’an, traditions