Ilahinama – Pismo Bogu

Preuzmi članak

UDK 821.222.1.09 ‘Attar F.

U proznom uvodu Muhtarname, zbirke rubaija koju je napisao potkraj života, ‘Attar u dva navrata spominje da je iza sebe ostavio dvije trilogije (mosallas): prvu čine Husrevnama, Esrarnama i Mantik al-tajr, a drugu Musibetnama, Divan i Muhtarnama.

“Pošto carstvo Husrevname u svijetu pojavi se, i tajne Esrarname se objelodaniše, i govor ptica Tujurname dušama raskri se, i žestina tegoba Musibetname nesnošljiva posta i Divan divana se sklopi […] i rubaije kojih u Divanu ima veliki broj […] a za ovu zbirku sam odabrao jedan dio rubaija kako slijedi a ostatak sam stavio u Divan” (Attār 1389/2010: 70).

Na temelju ‘Attarovih riječi autentični naziv djela kojeg danas poznajemo kao Ilahinama zapravo je Husrevnama, jer se glavna priča mesnevije temelji na razgovoru cara (xosrou) sa sinovima.

U radu je predstavljena mesnevija Ilahinama i na temelju nje suštinske odrednice po mnogo čemu autentičnog ‘Attarovog gnostičkog nauka.

Ključne riječi: ‘Attar, Ilahinama, Husrevnama, bol, Iblisovo prokletstvo


Ilahinama – a Letter to God

Mubina Moker

In the introduction to Mohtarnama, a collection of rubaiyat written near the end of his life, on two occasions ‘Attar mentions that he had left behind him two trilogies (mosallas): the first one consists of Hosrevnama, Esrarnama and Mantiq al-tayr, while the second one consists of: Mosibatnama, Divan and Mohtarnama.

“Since the kingdom of Hosrevnama has appeared in the world, and the secrets of Esrarnama have been revealed, and the speech of birds of Toyurnama has been disclosed to souls, and the fierce hardship of Mosibatnama became unbearable and Divan of divans has been assembled […] and rubaiyat which there are many in Divan […] and for this collection I have selected some rubaiyat which are included, while I left the rest of them in Divan” (Attār 1389/2010: 70).

Based on ‘Attar’s words, the authentic title of the book which we know today as Ilahinama is actually Hosrevnama, since the main story of mesnavi is based on the conversation of the emperor (xosrou) with his sons. The paper presents mesnavi Ilahinama and, based on it, the crucial guidelines of, as the evidence suggests, ‘Attar’s authentic Gnostic doctrine.

Keywords: ‘Attar, Ilahinama, Hosrevnama, pain, Iblis’s curse.