Izvan metafizičke idolatrije: Mulla Sadra o mentalnim konstruktima Boga

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UDK 1 Al-Shirazi

Slavni islamski filozof Mulla Sadra napisao je brojne radove i o tumačenju Kur’ana. U jednom od svojih takvih spisa, u djelu Tefsir sure alFatiha, upušta se u razmatranje prirode idolatrije, osobito metafizičke, u svjetlu religijskog vjerovanja. Tu zapravo podrobno govori o varljivosti mentalnih konstrukta
koji dovode do idolā vjerovanja. U prvom dijelu govori se o njima, a u drugom o religiji savršenog čovjeka koji umije vidjeti Boga u svakoj formi, u svakoj slici i u svakom stanovištu.
Sadrina promišljanja često otkrivaju Ibn Arebijev utjecaj. Na kraju rada nalazi se odabrani pojmovnik ključnih termina u Mulla Sadrinom spomenutom djelu.

Ključne riječi: metafizička idolatrija, Mulla Sadra, mentalni konstrukti, idoli vjerovanja, savršeni čovjek, tumačenje Kur’ana, Tefsir sure alFatiha, Ibn Arebi

Beyond Metaphysical Idolatry: Mulla Sadra on the Mental Constructs of God

Author: Mohammed Rustom


The famous Islamic philosopher Mulla Sadra wrote numerous works on the interpretation of the Qur'an. In one of the works, entitled Tafsir of surah al-Fatiha, he contemplates the nature of idolatry, especially the metaphysical one, in the light of religious belief. There he actually discusses in details the deceptiveness of mental constructs that lead to idolatry. In the first part, he discusses the constructs, while in the second part he writes about the religion of a perfect man who is able to see God in every form, in every image and in every point of view. Sadra's reflections often reveal Ibn Arabi's influence. At the end, there is a selected glossary of key terms in the Mulla Sadra's work.

Keywords: metaphysical idolatry, Mulla Sadra, mental constructs, idols of belief, perfect man, interpretation of the Qur'an, Tafsir of surah al-Fatiha, Ibn Arabi.