Lica Šemsovog intelekta

Preuzmi članak

Rad tretira tri ravni intelektualnog susretanja Rumija i Shamsa: Jutarnji susret Rumija i Shamsa u Damasku koji je gotovo sasvim analogan suodnosu koji je postojao između pečatnog Poslanika islama (a.s.) kao ‘blještavog grada znanja’ i hazreti Alije kao ‘kapije’ koja otključava taj blještavi grad znanja na gori. Zenitni ili podnevski susret Rumija i Shamsa koji se dogodio u Konji iz kojeg se razabiru dva različita lica shamsovskog intelekta. Jedno je ono lice koje intelektu pririče moć inerancije (‘aql ma'sūm), a drugo je lice ‘purpurnog anđela’ (‘aql-e sorkh). Večernji susret Rūmija i Shamsa kojeg u velikoj mjeri karakterizira priprava za definitivni rastanak među njima dvojicom.

Ključne riječi: shemsovski um, mliječno ogledalo, rumijevski um, Vinogradar iz Oberlanda.

The Faces of Shams’s Intellect

Rešid Hafizović


The paper discusses three levels of the intellectual meeting between Rumi and Shams: The morning meeting between Rumi and Shams in Damascus, which is almost entirely analogous to the relationship that existed between the sealing Prophet of Islam (p.b.u.h.) as a ‘shining city of knowledge’ and Hazrat Ali as a ‘gate’ that unlocks that shining city of knowledge on the mountain. The zenith or midday meeting between Rumi and Shams that took place in Konya, from which two different faces of Shams's intellect can be discerned. One is the face that tells the intellect the power of inerrancy (‘aql ma'sūm), and the other is the face of the ‘purple angel’ (‘aql-e sorkh). The evening meeting of Rūmi and Shams, which is largely characterized by the preparation for the final parting between the two of them.

Keywords: Shamsian mind, milk mirror, Rumiian mind, winegrower from Oberland.