Islam je veoma rano došao u dodir s Indijskim potkontinentom. Prvi kontakti između muslimana i Indijaca ostvareni su preko sjeverozapadne indijske provenijencije Pendžab. U Pendžab se također doselio znatan broj sufi jskih šejhova i njihovih sljedbenika koji su osnovali tekije i uspostavili sufi jske redove na Indijskom potkontinentu. Jedan od najznačajnijih sufi jskih učitelja koji je živio u Pendžabu je Sultan Bahu, sufi jski učenjak i pjesnik iz sedamnaestog stoljeća. Napisao je veliki broj djela od kojih je najpoznatija zbirka stihova pod imenom Abjat-i Bahu. Ovo djelo sastavljeno je od stihova četveraca napisanih na pendžabi jeziku u kojima Sultan Bahu izlaže svoj duhovni nauk. Svaki stih iskaz je jedne misaone cjeline i neovisan je o drugim stihovima. U Abjatu možemo pronaći nekoliko tematskih cjelina. Najčešće teme su one koje govore o fakru (duhovnom siromaštvu), zuhdu (asketizmu), ašku (ljubavi) i fenau (iščeznuću individualiteta duhovnog putnika).
Islam came into contact with the Indian subcontinent very early. The fi rst contacts between Muslims and Indians were made in the north-western Indian province of Punjab. A signifi cant number of Sufi shaikhs and their followers settled in Punjab where they formed dervish houses and Sufi orders in the Indian subcontinent. One of the most important Sufi teachers who lived in Punjab was Sultan Bahu, a Sufi scholar and poet from the 17th century. He wrote many books, while the most well-known one is a collection of verses entitled Abjat-i Bahu. This work is composed of quatrain verses written in Punjabi language through which Sultan Bahu presents his spiritual teachings. Each verse is a statement of one thought and is independent of other verses. In Abajat we can fi nd
several thematic units. The most frequent themes are the ones that discuss fakr (spiritual poverty), zuhd (ascetism), ashk (love) and fena (disappearance of a spiritual traveller’ individual self).
Keywords: Sultan Bahu, Sufi sm, Abjat, Punjab, India, fakr, zuhd, ashk, fena