Poetika tekijske ilahije – osobine i osobenosti poetskog žanra

Preuzmi članak

UDK 28-291

Rad se bavi teorijskim sagledavanjem poetskih osobina i osobenosti žanra tekijske ilahije, kao i tematskim okvirima u kojima se ovaj žanr u bošnjačkoj književnosti na bosanskom i osmanskom i arapskom jeziku ostvaruje. Važnost ovoga žanra ogleda se u njegovoj rasprostranjenosti, s jedne strane, te sve češćem odmaknuću od originalnih tekstova u savremenoj muzičkoj produkciji. Potreba kolektiva da svaki segment života bude propraćen pjesmom ostvarit će se i u bošnjačkoj kulturnoj zajednici, osim, naravno u slučaju smrti, jer Islam ne odobrava niti jedan oblik glasnog željenja. Stoga je tekijska ilahija praktičan oblik i za trenutke žalosti i za trenutke radosti, odašilje  univerzalne poruke o čovjekovoj pokornosti Bogu i Njegovim postulatima življenja.


Poetics of Tekke Nasheed – Characteristics and Particularities of Poetic Genre

The paper deals with theoretical perception of poetic characteristics and particularities of the genre of tekke nasheed, as well as thematic frameworks in which this genre in Bosniak literature in Bosnian, Ottoman and Arabic languages is accomplished. The importance of this genre is reflected in its prevalence on one hand, as well as more and more frequent distancing from the original texts in the modern music production. The need of the collective to have every segment of life followed by music will also realise in Bosniak cultural community, except of course, in the case of death since Islam does not approve any form of loud mourning. Therefore, tekke nasheed is also a practical form for the moments of sorrow as well as for moments of joy – it sends universal messages on human obedience to God and His postulates of living.

Key words: tekke nasheed, literary genre, tekke, sufism, spiritual journey