Komentari Mesnevije i zanemarivanje Mevlanine sufijske tradicije

Preuzmi članak

UDK 821.222.1.09 Rumi, Dž.



Mjesto i važnost Mesnevije u tumačenju sufijskih tema te interes čitatelja za nju bili su razlogom da se počnu pisati komentari na ovo značajno djelo, te da se postepeno, kao jedinstven sufijski književni tok, proširi u različitim vremenima i dijelovima svijeta. Svaki od komentara Mesnevije Mevlaninu poeziju interpretirao je drugačijim pristupom i strukturom. Te interpretacije imaju brojne književne i sufijske koristi; no, u njima su vidljivi i brojni nedostaci. Jedan od najvažnijih takvih nedostataka jeste zanemarivanje Mevlaninog sufijskog pravca od komentatora. Činjenica koju valja spomenuti, kada je riječ o Mevlaninom sufijskom pravcu, jeste ta da se on ubraja u grupu duhovnih učenjaka prve sufijske tradicije; zbog toga se njegova promišljanja u potpunosti razlikuju od Ibn Arebija, jednog od autora iz druge tradicije.
Na osnovu toga, nije ispravno pozivati se na značenja i teme iz druge sufijske tradicije zarad tumačenja Mevlaninih razmišljanja. Autor ovoga rada na jedan sasvim novi način istražio je i analizirao komentare Mesnevije, te je u tom kontekstu nastojao ponuditi nova otkrića. U tom smislu, najvažniji komentari Mesnevije, od početka do danas, istraženi su s posebnom pažnjom na Mevlanin sufijski pravac i u gotovo svim komentarima potkrala se greška time što su Mevlanin sufijski pravac pripisali drugoj sufijskoj tradiciji. Doduše, ti komentari razlikuju se prema omjeru i načinu upotrebe značenja i tema druge tradicije prilikom tumačenja Mesnevije.

Commentaries on Masnawi and neglecting Mevlana’s Sufi tradition

Ehsan Raeisi


The position and importance of Masnawi in the interpretation of Sufi themes and the interest of readers for it were the reason for writing commentaries on this significant work as well as the gradual spreading of the practice as a unique Sufi literary current in different times and parts of the world. Every commentary on Masnawi has interpreted Mevlana’s poetry through different approach and structure. Those interpretations have numerous literary and Sufi benefits; nevertheless, many shortcomings are evident in them as well. One of the most striking of those shortcomings is commentators’ neglect of Mevlana’s Sufi way. When it comes to Mevlana’s Sufi way, it is noteworthy that he is ranked among the group of spiritual teachers of the first Sufi tradition; for this reason, his reflections are completely different from those of Ibn Arabi, one of the authors of the second Sufi tradition.

Based on that, it is not correct to refer to meanings and themes from the second Sufi tradition in order to interpret Mevlana’s reflections. The author of this paper has conducted research and analysis of the commentaries of Masnawi in a completely new way, in which context he attempted to offer new discoveries. With regard to this, the most important commentaries of Masnawi, from the beginning to the present, have been researched with the special focus on his Sufi way. In almost all the commentaries an error has been made, whereby Mevlana’s Sufi way was attributed to the second Sufi tradition. However, those commentaries differ in the proportion and manner of using meanings and themes of the second tradition when interpreting Masnawi.

Keywords: Ibn Arabi, the first Sufi tradition, the second Sufi tradition, commentaries on Masnawi, Masnawi, Mevlana.